Shared Mobility in Garden City

In 2024, the City of Garden City adopted ordinances to allow electric micromobility devices including e-bikes and e-scooters in city limits. In July of 2024, the city selected Lime to be the only shared micromobility provider in the city. Shared micromobility devices offer a safe, attractive, and high-quality transportation option that can be accessed throughout Garden City. Rent the nearest available e-scooter or e-bike, ride it to where you want to go and park it responsibly for the next person to ride!

Ride Safe

Individuals riding an e-scooter or e-bike should follow proper etiquette and all rules, laws, and regulations.

  • Before using the e-scooter or e-bike, do a safety pre-check (check the brakes and tires, and do a general device scan to make sure everything is working properly)
  • Apply brakes to slow down/stop
  • Be mindful of obstructions, pedestrians, motorists, and bicyclists
  • If traveling on the sidewalk, use caution and always yield to pedestrians
  • Wear a helmet
  • Always follow traffic laws
  • Use your voice or the bell when passing
  • Only one person per scooter or bike

Anyone operating a device recklessly can be charged with a misdemeanor

Park Responsibly

Since these devices are stationless, they do not need to be parked in a dock or station. Proper parking etiquette is required and users may be fined for not complying with parking rules.

  • Scoot Over: Always leave a minimum of 5 feet of space so all people have safe access to pedestrian pathways, intersections, ramps, building entrances, and bus stops
  • Park the device upright
  • Park in the furnishing zone, at the edge of a sidewalk, or near bike racks where available
  • Do not park on private property or in parking garages or driveways
  • Do not block bus stops, benches, curb ramps, intersections, or building entrances
  • Do not obstruct ADA access, or pathways for pedestrians, bicyclists, or motorists
  • Do not block any fire hydrant, call box, utility pole or box, or other emergency facility
  • Do not park in the street unless a designated parking corral exists
  • On the Greenbelt, park the device off the Greenbelt path on a concrete or hard surface