Early Assistance

General Zoning Questions

If you have basic questions such as "What is my zoning?" or "What are my setbacks?" please refer to the zoning information page

Questions? Contact Planning at planning@gardencityidaho.org or (208) 472-2921.


Due Diligence/Initial Discussion 

If you would like to start a business, build/remodel a structure, subdivide, or begin any type of construction or land development we recommend that you have a due diligence/initial discussion meeting with a planner. This is a meeting to discuss your proposal to determine if it could possibly be a viable proposal per zoning regulations. If it is determined that it is a viable proposal, it will typically be recommended that you have a pre-application meeting prior to submitting applications. To schedule a time please request a meeting: Due diligence/ discussion meeting. While the initial discussion is free, we ask that you fill out the Due Diligence/Initial Discussion Form and submit it to planning@gardencityidaho.org referencing the time of your meeting so that we can research your request and give you the best possible information based on the information that you give to us, while also optimizing our time so that we can serve all requests as quickly as possible.


Pre-Application Conference
Prior to submitting a formal application, the City offers a free meeting to review and discuss an applicant's project prior to application.  Reviewers from planning, building, code enforcement, environmental, fire, water, and sewer divisions will review the pre-application materials submitted and provide feedback to help identify potential inconsistencies with the applicable requirements so that they can be worked out prior to submitting an application. A Due Diligence/Initial Discussion Meeting is required prior to requesting a Pre-Application Meeting. While staff will do their best to give a full accounting of issues that they see, they may not have all information to give a complete and accurate review. A review and analysis of a project is not formally completed until after an application has been submitted to the City. To schedule a Pre-Application Conference, fill out a Pre-Application Meeting Request Form and submit to Development Services. 
Questions? Contact Planning at building@gardencityidaho.org or (208) 472-2921.
Design Review Pre-Application Requests 
An applicant with a project requiring Design Review must request a Design Review Pre-Application Meeting with the Design Review Committee prior to submitting a formal application. The Design Review Pre-Application Meeting is free and offers the applicant design feedback at the preliminary stages of the project. To schedule a Design Review Pre-Application Meeting, fill out a Design Review Pre-Application Meeting Request Form and submit to Development Services with plans.
Questions? Contact the Design Review Planner at planning@gardencityidaho.org or (208) 472-2922.