Protect Against Flooding

  • Learn how to protect from flood hazards and damages.  There are a number of resources on this page and within this site related to floodplain.
  • Consider buying flood insurance.  Learn More Here.
  • Develop a plan to deal with high water if it occurs.  Decide in advance which items must be moved or elevated and where to move them.  
  • Other protection measures include sandbagging, elevating a structure, and dry or wet floodproofing. Learn More Here.
  • Grading and landscaping your property to drain away from structures and into the street is another way you can protect your home.  
  • Provide appropriate landscaping.  Learn More Here.
  • FEMA offers a free homeowner’s guide with techniques to retrofit and flood-proof your home at FEMA Homeowner's Guide to Retrofit.  
  • The Treasure Valley has an extensive system of public and private drains and ditches used for irrigation and the movement of water.  If these are not kept clean and free of debris, localized flooding can occur and more sediment can build up in the river channel.  If you see dumping or debris in ditches or drains in the City, contact Garden City's Environmental Division at (208) 472-2949.    Learn More On How to Help Here.  ACHD is in charge of the storm drains in Ada County.  You can find storm drains near you here: ACHD Storm Drain Locations