SUBFY2021-0010- Petra Point Townhomes - Approved ACHD Bicycle Map SUBFY2021-0010- Initial Submittal 09242021 SUBFY2021-0010 -Additional Submittal Material 11122021 SUBFY2021-0010 - Additional Submittals 11162021 SUBFY2021-0010 - Additional Submittals 12172021 SUBFY2021-0010 - Final Plat 11242021 SUBFY2021-0010 - Draft CC&Rs 12222021 SUBFY2021-0010 Sustainability Checklist 12312021 SUBFY2021-0010 - CC&R'S Draft 01052022 SUBFY2021-0010 -Landscape Plan 01052022 SUBFY2021-0010 - Response Staff Report 01042022 SUBFY2021-0010 - Updated Plans 02182022 SUBFY2021-0010 Resubmittals 04042022 SUBFY2021-0010 Resubmittal 04182022 SUBFY2021-0010 Resubmittals 04222022 SUBFY2021-0010 Resubmittals 05042022 Resubmittals 03072022 - Petra Point Bike Path Easement SUBFY2021-0010 -Updated Landscape Plan 05162022 SUBFY2021-0010 Resubmittal LATE Exhibit 06232022 SUBFY2021-0010 Reconsideration Submittals 03062023 SUBFY2021-0010 Reconsideration Submittals 03232023 SUBFY2021-0010 Agency Comment: Independent School District 12212021 SUBFY2021-0010 Agency Comment: Boise Fire 12222021 SUBFY2021-0010 Agency Comment: Boise Fire 07132022 SUBFY2021-0010 Agency Comment: Boise Fire 03232023 SUBFY2021-0010 Agency Comment: City Engineer 12292021 SUBFY2021-00010 Agency Comment: Republic Services 12032021 SUBFY2021-0001 AGENCY COMMENT Republic Services 01052022 SUBFY2021-0001 AGENCY COMMENT Republic Services 07132022 SUBFY2021-0001 AGENCY COMMENTACHD 01142022 SUBFY2021-0001 AGENCY COMMENT DEQ 12102021 SUBFY2021-0010 Design Review Property Posting 01312022 SUBFY2021-0001 AGENCY COMMENT: Republic Services 03232023 SUBFY2021-0001 AGENCY COMMENT Boise Fire 03232023 SUBFY2021-0001 AGENCY COMMENT ITD 04152023 SUBFY2021-0010 Planning and Zoning Property Posting SUBFY2021-0010 Property Posting 10042022 SUBFY2021-0010 Affidavit of Property Posting SUBFY2021-0010 Staff Report DSR 02072022 SUBFY2021-0010 Staff Report DSR 03072022 and PZ 03162022 SUBFY2021-0010 Staff Report DSR 04182022 and PZ 04202022 SUBFY2021-0010 Staff Report DSR 06062022 and PZ 05182022 SUBFY2021-0010 Staff Report PZ 05182022 SUBFY2021-0010 Staff Report DRC 06062022 SUBFY2021-0010 DSR Decision Document 02072022 SUBFY2021-0010 DSR Decision Document 03072022 SUBFY2021-0010 DSR Decision Document 04182022 SUBFY2021-0010 DSR Decision Document 06062022 SUBFY2021-0010 PZ Decision Document 03162022 SUBFY2021-0010 PZ Decision Document 042022022 SUBFY2021-0010 PZ Decision Document 05182022 SUBFY2021-0010 PZ Presentation 05182022 SUBFY2021-0010 PZ Decision Document 05182022 - Signed SUBFY2021-0010 DSR Decision Document 06062022 - Signed SUBFY2021-0010 Staff Report - CC 06272022 SUBFY2021-0010 CC Decision Document - Denial DRAFT SUBFY2021-0010 CC Decision Document - Affirmative DRAFT CC - Submittals 06-23-2022 SUBFY2021-0010 Late Exhibit 07112022 Petra Point Trouble Shooting Bicycle and Pedestrian Documentation 07112022 SUFBY2021-0010 Public Comment-Anderson-Dahl SUBFY2021-0010 Reconsideration Changes Memorandum SUBFY2021-0010 Reconsideration DRAFT Decision SUBFY2021-0010-property posting 04182023 SUBFY2021-0010 Signed Reconsideration Decision Document 05082023 SUBFY2021-0010 Combined Resubmittals 05092023