CPAFY2021-0001 Comprehensive Plan Amendment to add North Ada County Fire and Rescue District Impact Fees APPROVED CPAFY2021-0001 Staff Report, May 19, 2021 CPAFY2021-0001 Application and Application Material CPAFY2021-0001 Noticing Documents Proposed Resolution 1095-21 Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan 2019-01-14 RES1056-19 NACFR CIP Adoption Proposed NACFR Impact Fee Ordinance Proposed RES1057-19 Intergovernmental Agreement CPAFY2021-0001 Potential Draft Planning and Zoning Commission Recommendation CPAFY2021-0001 Potential Draft Decision CPAFY2021-0001 Staff Report, May 24, 2021 CPAFY2021-0001 Planning and Zoning Recommendation-Signed 05192021 CPAFY2021-0001 Signed City Council Decision Comprehensive_Plan_ADOPTED_06142021(1).pdf