Parks & Greenbelt
*** For Maps of the Greenbelt scroll to the end of the page and click appropriate link ***
The idea of a Greenbelt in began in the 1960's when a consultant for the City of Boise suggested revamping the character of the then neglected and polluted Boise River to a public space amenity. Now the Greenbelt has become a multijurisdictional treasure in the Treasure Valley providing vast recreation and transportation opportunities.
Recent Path Improvements
Garden City considers the Greenbelt and pathways a top priority. During the summer of 2007, with the aid of Urban Renewal, Garden City was able to complete the section of greenbelt on the south side of the river roughly from 44th Street to 49th Street. In 2008, the City was able to procure a bike path on the north side of the River so that bicyclists would no longer have to travel along the highly trafficked State Street.
User Courtesies
To ensure that all users' rights are protected and to guard against accidents, the Boise Parks & Recreation Department established the following courtesies and safety guidelines for pedestrians, in-line skaters and cyclists to obey. Garden City also upholds these guidelines:
- Stay only on designated trails.
- Pedestrians have the right of way at all times. Cyclists and in-line skaters must be aware of pedestrians.
- All Greenbelt users should stay to the right and use caution under bridges and at blind corners where vision could be impaired.
- Pedestrians should not walk more than two abreast.
- Motorized vehicles (including e-bikes) and hoofed animals are prohibited. (Maintenance, patrol, and handicap vehicles are the exception.)
- All non-paved sections are restricted to foot traffic only.
- Dogs are allowed only if on a leash - leash not to exceed eight (8) feet.
- Dog owners are responsible for sanitary disposal of dog feces.
- Bicyclists and in-line skaters are encouraged not to conduct serious training or to maintain fast speeds. Competitive events for in-line skaters and bicyclists are not allowed because of safety issues and potential accidents.
- Bicyclists and skaters who wish to pass other users along the Greenbelt must notify others that they are passing, either verbally (example: "passing on your left") or by other audible means (bell, horn, etc.). The person wishing to pass is responsible for passing freely and clearly around others, and not hindering approaching users.
- Don't harass or encroach upon the wildlife. Disturbing or collecting any vegetation or natural habitat along the Greenbelt is prohibited.
- Glass beverage containers are not permitted.
Tips for Safe Greenbelt Use
In addition to user guidelines, there are a few things suggested to guard against mishaps:
- Stay alert and tuned in to your surroundings. Take off headphones and be aware of what's going on around you.
- Walk confidently. Send the message that you're calm and you know where you're going.
- Trust your instincts. If something or someone makes you uneasy, avoid the person or leave the area.
- Stick to well-lighted, well-traveled areas. Avoid shortcuts through wooded areas, parking lots, isolated pathways or alleys.
- Carry your cell phone. Always know your exact location in case you need to call 9-1-1 in an emergency.
- If you think someone is following you, switch directions. If you are scared, don't be embarrassed to yell for help. Go immediately to an area where other people are.
- Report every unwanted contact by a stranger to the police. Be able to describe the person accurately -- height, weight, clothing and other distinguishing features.
- If you walk on a regular basis, vary your timing and route.
- Walk with a companion.
- Be observant around buildings, bridges, trees, and shrubbery or anywhere someone might hide.
To report suspicious activity on the Greenbelt or another park facility, contact Garden City Police Department-301 East 50th St., Garden City, Idaho 83714. Ph 208-472-2950 - Fax 208-472-2997. If it is an emergency, dial 911 immediately.
To report maintenance needs, please contact Public Works at 208-472-2949.
Parks Reservation, please see Parks Reservation Application below, contact customer service desk 208-472-2909 customerservice@gardencityidaho.org