Condominium Plat Application

Condominium Plat

Garden City Code 8-5C-2 and Idaho Statute 55-15 govern the creation of condominiums, or the division for separate interest of a common real property.


Step 1 Application:

The required application forms can be found here:  Condominium Application and Affidavit of Legal Interest.  The cost of the Condominium Plat application is $951.30 + $ 150/hr for engineering. (for pricing information click here). North Ada County Fire and Rescue will charge $150 for their review.


Step 2 Apply:

Since condominium plats do not require a public hearing, the decision is at the administrative level where the Planning Official is the recommending authority to City Council and the City Council is the deciding body.


Please submit one copy of all application materials and all application materials in electronic format in person or via mail.  The electronic materials can be emailed to


Step 3 Between Submitting the Application and the Meeting with City Council:

The City Council meets the 2nd and 4th Monday’s of the month.  Once you have submitted, you will receive dates that City Council will review your application via an acceptance letter.  Staff will then process the application in accord with statutory requirements. 


Staff will provide you with comments that the City receives as well as a staff report that provides a thorough analysis of your application with regards to Garden City Code, Title 8 as well as a synthesis of other department or agency comments and requirements to date.  While staff is reviewing your application, they may reach out to you to request clarification or additional materials necessary to complete their review.  Staff will provide you with the draft report in advance of the meeting with City Council so that you can provide feedback and let staff know if they have accurately captured the application, made any omissions, or had any misunderstandings.  Please provide feedback quickly so that it can be incorporated prior to the staff report being finalized.  Please also note that not all agency may be included at that time that staff shares the draft report with you.


Step 5: After the decision:

A written decision from the City Council will be provided to you.  If the request is approved by the City Council it will be recorded at the Ada County Land Records, and your condominium plat will be accepted.  


If you disagree with the City’s decision you can ask for a reconsideration within 14 days of the request in accordance with Idaho Statutes.  The written request must identify specific deficiencies in the decision for which the reconsideration is sought.  A takings analysis can be requested.