Garden City Flood Information

While we appreciate the beauty and recreation of the Boise River as it meanders through Garden City, we can never ignore the potential damage the river could have on all of us. It is never too early to be thinking about how the seasonal events of the River affect our community. On average, the Boise River reaches 7,000 cubic feet per second (CFS), or flood stage at the Glenwood Bridge, once every 5 years. So far, this has resulted in some minor inconveniences and damage; however, future flooding may result in substantial expense to the community. 

USACE General Investigation

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla District (USACE), along with the City of Garden City, Idaho is conducting a General Investigation (GI) Study with the purpose of addressing flood risk in the vicinity of Garden City. This GI study is in response to the frequent flooding in Garden City resulting in threats to property, critical infrastructure, and life-safety. In addition, population growth and development in the floodplain in Garden City has increased risk of damages and severity of flooding. The intent of the Garden City Flood Risk Management GI Study is to analyze potential structural and nonstructural solutions to reduce risk to human life and safety, critical infrastructure, and reduce risk of economic damages from flooding events.


General Investigation studies are authorized and appropriated by Congress to address water resources problems including flood risk management, navigation, ecosystem restoration, and coastal storm risk management. Through these studies, alternative plans are compared, and favorable and unfavorable characteristics are determined. Costs and benefits of alternative plans are identified, and a specific course of action is recommended to Congress. Congress may then authorize and fund a project for construction. There is no designated limit to the scale, extent, or cost of development that can be proposed as the result of a GI study.

Prepare for Flooding

We can never ignore the potential damage the river could have on all of us. There are roughly 1,700 properties in the regulatory floodplain, with an estimate of 74% of properties in Garden City in the 100-year floodplain. It is sensible to be aware of how the seasonal events of the river affect our community. On average, the Boise River reaches 7,000 cubic feet per second (cfs), or flood stage at the Glenwood Bridge, once every 5 years. This year it is anticipated that the river will reach beyond 7,000 cfs. 

For more information click on the "Prepare for Flooding" link above.

Flood Insurance

Learn more about the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) by clicking the link above

Riparian Area

For purposes of the Garden City Code, the riparian area is considered the area between the ordinary high water mark of the Boise River including tributaries where water comes from and flows back into the Boise River and the greenbelt and/or nature path; or where there is no greenbelt and/or nature path adjacent to the river or tributary, the area measured twenty-five feet (25') in width from the riverbank.  Before doing work or landscaping in the Riparian area find out the regulations and permits necessary. LINK

Please also review how you can enhance the river through appropriate plantings.

Flood Services

Find out what flood services Garden City provides by clicking the link above