Minor Land Division

Step 1: Initial Application

  1. The applicant will submit the application and documents as listed on the application or as required by the Planning Official to ensure adequate review and legal wellbeing. The city will notify the applicant within 30 days if additional information is required.
  2. A review fee will be charged at the submittal of an application.
  3. The application will be issued a city file number.
  4. The city will issue a 300’ radius notice list and provide a template notice letter.
  5. The city will send the application materials to the consultant(s), stakeholder agencies, and post the application materials on the city’s website.

Step 2: Neighborhood Meeting Notice

Before an application reviewed a neighborhood meeting must be held by the applicant to allow for the public’s questions and input.


  1. Radius Notice:  The applicant will notice all property owners of record within 300’ of the project at least 15 days in advance of the neighborhood meeting.  The noticing shall be in conformance with the noticing documents provided by the City, and include the following information:
    1. File number.
    2. Date, time, and location of the neighborhood meeting.
    3. If there is interest in the application a member of the public can notify the City of their desire to be an interested party.  The City will inform interested parties of revised materials and any appeal hearing dates.
    4. Written concerns will be added to the record documents.
    5. If the member of the public is affected, as defined by Idaho Code 67-6521, written comment received prior to the decision being rendered have the ability to appeal the decision.


  1. Site posting:  The applicant shall post the development site at least 10 days before the neighborhood meeting with neighborhood meeting information.
    1. Notice Size:  The notice(s) shall consist of a four-foot by four-foot (4’ x 4’) plywood or other hard surface mounted on two (2) four-inch by four-inch (4” x 4”) posts.
    2. Notice Lettering:  Centered at the top of the four-foot by four-foot (4’ x 4’) notice(s) in six-inch (6”) letters shall be the words “Neighborhood Meeting Notice”.  The date of the neighborhood meeting shall be in bold four-inch (4”) letters.  The remainder of the notice shall be in two-inch (2”) letters.  Each notice shall be painted white, and the letters shall be painted black and shall appear on both sides.
    3. Notice Content:  Each notice shall inform the public of the nature of the meeting, the date, time, and address of the meeting, a summary of the proposal, the address of the proposal, the name and contact information of the applicant, and an approved city contact email (planning@gardencityidaho.org).
    4. Notice Placement:  The notices shall be posted on the property being considered along each street that is adjacent to the subject property boundaries.  The notice(s) shall be located on the property, outside of the public right-of-way.  If the notice cannot be placed on the property and still be clearly visible, the notice may be placed within the right-of-way if the applicant can obtain the consent of the owner of the right-of-way.  The notice shall be posted perpendicular to the street and mounted so that the bottom of the notice is at least three feet (3’) above the ground.
    5. Proof of Posting:  The applicant shall submit a notarized statement and a photograph of the posting in accordance with Garden City Code and policies to the city with the application.
    6. Notice Removal:  The notice(s) shall be removed no later than three (3) days after the neighborhood meeting for which the notice(s) had been posted is ended.

Step 3: Neighborhood Meeting

  1. The meeting shall be held Monday through Thursday between five-thirty o’clock (5:30) P.M. and eight o’clock (8:00) P.M.
  2. A sign-in sheet in accordance with the city’s requirements shall be provided for the public to sign-in.  If there is no public in attendance, this should be noted on the sign-in sheet.
  3. A list of discussion points shall be kept.

Step 4: After Review

  1. Garden City staff will notify interested parties of the decision and that they can appeal the decision to City Council if they are affected, as defined by Idaho Code 67-6521.
  2. The decisions will be placed on the subsequent City Council consent agenda if an appeal hearing has not been requested by someone with standing to do so. The Council shall have the ability to review any application.  Should the Council wish to review the application a non de novo hearing will be scheduled following the procedures identified in the code.